Specialised couples & relationship counselling

love life and Relationships

dr linda hartley-clark

Welcome, I’m Dr Linda Hartley-Clark. I am a Melbourne-based Counsellor and Psychotherapist who specialises in working with Individuals and Couples to enhance Love, Life, and Relationship Satisfaction.

i am currently seeing clients face-to-face and online from private consulting suites on St Kilda road, in the suburb of Melbourne.

relationship counselling

Whether Proposing Love, Keeping Love, or Losing Love, I will help you understand how you ‘do’ relationships, and express who you want to be in love, in life, and in your relationships.

Online Courses

Explore common relationship issues and principles on your own schedule with a variety of online courses designed to address conflict and keep your love alive.

relationship counselling

For Individuals & Couples

couples & relationship counselling


When it comes to love, allowing myself to love and to be loved is a value I hold, deeply. No matter how we identify, sharing love and life with a romantic or marital partner feeds our basic human need for commitment, intimacy, and passion. It’s also comforting to know that we can depend and be depended upon when life gets tough.

In 60-minute private counselling sessions, I help my clients get in touch with their feelings, manage their emotional experiences, seek emotional connections with meaningful others, and express what they need in intimate relationships to feel safe, secure, and uniquely valued as they

navigate processes of

proposing love ~ keeping love ~ losing love

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online courses

putting you in the driver’s seat of love life and relationships


My online courses are designed to prepare you for the relationship counselling experience, consolidate the work you are doing in therapy sessions, and prevent relapses beyond therapy, and into the future, so that you can stay in the driver’s seat of your life.

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